Morgan’s Blog

  • The Unexpected Lesson

    This is a guest post by Allie Smith-Hobbs. I was recently copied on an email that said, “I hoped you learned something, even if it was not what you intended” and I’ve been ruminating on this all week. What am I learning that I didn’t intend to learn? Unintentional lessons happen to us all the […]

  • Run and Cry

    Have you ever been in a situation – such as visiting with relatives (or dealing with collaborators, or etc) – where your head is ready to explode? I’m sure you have. Here’s the thing: It’s nothing wrong with them. They are who they are. You are who you are. Nobody is going to fundamentally change. […]

  • My other favorite F-word

    This is a guest post by Allie Smith-Hobbs. Fun is a four letter word around the American workplace. When I worked in Silicon Valley during the dotcom boom of endless foozball rounds and mini-golf in the all-you-can-eat-cafeteria, “fun” was mandatory ad nauseum. But in the wake of the collapse, playing and even hard-earned vacation time […]

  • Security versus joy and inspiration: which wins?

    For the past week, I’ve been processing some of the experiences from Bali. One of them was this. I went to Bali for a mastermind retreat. I had only met the leader, and was very excited to get to know the other members, most of whom are from New Zealand and Australia. Most mastermind meetings involve […]

  • Travel Anxieties and… embracing the unknown!

    When you travel, does it bring up anxiety for you? It does for me. And it’s always weird little stuff that gets me. For example: I just rode for about 30 hours in airplanes over the world’s largest ocean, and I had almost no conscious anxiety about that. I wasn’t fretting about the airplane breaking […]

  • Schizophrenia and air travel

    I have schizophrenia. I think this is common amongst modern air travelers. It’s a schizophrenia of alternating love and hate. I’m in the air on my way to Bali. It’ll be my first time there, and I’m excited to experience a new place. I’ve heard that it is beautiful and the people are kind. One […]