Morgan’s Blog

  • Why enjoying money can stop the money struggles

    There are a lot of people who resent money. They feel like money is a “necessary evil” but that they’d rather not have it around if they could just get by and do their thing without it. I used to be one of those. And here’s the thing. That’s a money repellant attitude. You can […]

  • Judging failure is futile self-judgement

    This is part of a message from me to myself after I judged something I was doing as a “failure.” Maybe you will find it useful. You never know the impact that your actions will have. You can sit here from your limited point of view and judge that something has “failed” – and yet […]

  • How to be a "nice girl" in 9 easy steps

    We are often told that, as girls, we’ve got to be “nice” – or ELSE. (Or else what? Someone might not like us or might not approve of us! This is the horror of horrors!) Since I like to be occasionally helpful on this here little blog of mine, I thought that therefore I need […]

  • Lighten up, Life is an experiment

    This is a first. I’ve not been very open in the past about my own spiritual path over the past few years – one that has led me from a very atheist point of view to now believing that there is much more to our universe than the material “stuff” that we see. It is not […]

  • Questions from a Recent Joint Webinar

    Sometimes I bring guests on-board to provide trainings and other resources – and sometimes that brings up questions. In this short video, I answer a few of the common questions I had from a recent joint webinar, such as Why are you bringing this guest on and who is he? and How are business concepts […]

  • BUSTED: Three Productivity Myths (video)

    BUSTED: Three Productivity Myths  It’s creative leaps and insights that create true success, not the number of hours at your desk. In fact, carving the powder on this untracked slope is a vital part of my success secret. If you want to achieve greatness (and sure you do, right?), it’s about creating those key creative and […]