Morgan’s Blog
How to be a massive success, idea #1: don't get reactive
I’ve been writing this and my other blogs for a while, but that doesn’t make me immune from making stupid mistakes. In this case, my mistake got me unfriended and blocked on Facebook. It got me no perceptible forward movement on anything I truly think is important in life. It got me wrapped up in turmoil. It got […]
Gag Me With a Bucketload of Stupidity
Once, a long time ago in a place not so far away, universities and research institutions were the shining beacon of hope for our society. They were going to cure cancer. They were helping send us to the moon. They were discovering penicillin and the polymerase chain reaction (which allows us to sequence DNA). We […]
Being on time – is this how to lead?
Does being on time, every time, assure success? According to a recent post by my friend Chuck Rylant, it does: When considering hiring someone for example, if they say they will call at 3:00 PM, when they call at 3:10 PM, I terminate the business relationship immediately. It is interesting that Chuck chooses to be […]
"I hate snow" vs Thanksgiving for snow!
The other day I checked the weather forecast, and it was all bad news! Snow is coming. It’s going to cause all sorts of badness. Traffic stuff ups! School closures! Work delayed! “Winter Storm Boreas brought heavy snow to parts of the southern Rockies and Four Corners, and is poised to spread its wintry mess of snow, sleet and freezing rain […]
Creativity-sucking education stamping widgets of children* (video)
Why our educational system is stamping out “children as widgets” – a great video with Sir Ken Robinson Working with the world’s top scientists and entrepreneurs, I’ve seen a few things. The biggest of those things is the thing of creativity being repressed and even outright absent. This stunts career growth and all sorts of […]
"Living at Zero" and the Creative Pipeline
I was watching a presentation by Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len on their concept of “Zero Limits” and it had me irritated. They wrote a book on the concept, titled Zero Limits. The idea is this: that at the core of all of us is the divine (call it God, the Universe, or whatever you’re […]