Morgan’s Blog

  • Working hard does NOT equal success

    Yesterday I was on Facebook, and a very successful fellow entrepreneur posted something that shocked me. It was on a discussion of feelings of entitlement in society, and how many people have an undeserved “feeling of superiority” to their peers – especially in Gen Y. To paraphrase the response: I feel superior to my Gen […]

  • Who is that mysterious author?

    In my previous piece, I wrote about the nature of our identity… Included in that post were some deep quotes, but I didn’t name the author. I held that back for a reason. I didn’t want the complexity of the source to be confused with the message. Because that message is important. See, in the […]

  • Who are you? Just beans and franks? (and how to avoid writer's block!)

    One of man’s biggest quests throughout the ages has been to answer the seemingly simple question: “who am I?” The answer is not so simple. Or is it? We have on the one side the materialists who answer this question with the explanation that we are a “side effect.” In their view, we are a […]

  • It’s the experience, stupid!

    No, I’m not calling you stupid, dear reader. But I AM calling a common myth in business stupid.   The myth goes something like this: open up your business, deliver a great product at a great price (and THEN discount it more if you need to), and business will come a knockin’ down at your […]

  • The Zombie Apocalypse is upon us!

    Zombies, zombies, everywhere. If you look to Hollywood, the world is but about to become a big zombie-fest. Life imitates art, or so they say. That being the case, I’ve pondered the meaning of all the zombie movies of late. They seem to be taking off where the “robots that conquer the world” left off. […]

  • The BIG Lie!

    You’ve been fed a big lie. The lie goes thusly. You must study hard in school (creativity killer #1).  You must get good grades (creativity killer #2). You must listen to teachers (creativity killer #3). You must do what you’re told (creativity killer #4). Then, you must get into a great college or university by […]