You’ve been fed a big lie.
The lie goes thusly.
You must study hard in school (creativity killer #1). You must get good grades (creativity killer #2). You must listen to teachers
Does anyone remember record players? I suppose that statement dates me. But the one big flaw of record players is that when a scratch was present, they could get caught
Over breakfast and interesting conversation evolved about the state of physics and what it tells us about the meaninglessness and purposelessness of our lives, both individually and collectively.
I've been thinking
These two guys that you may have heard of suffered scorn and ridicule for over eight years. They persisted, and they changed the world!
If you want more help letting your
My friend Rob recently wrote on Facebook:
I was seven when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. We were camping with family friends on a plot of land on the shore
The title of the post alludes to an old cliché, "the only constant is change". Today I had a strong reminder of the importance of this saying - especially in
Today, I had fun.
For the past few years, whenever I've gone on a bike ride, I've been goal focused.
Mountain biking: distance and elevation. Have I pushed myself hard enough?
Roger Penrose wrote a book titled "The Emporor's New Mind." The book roused quite a bit of controversy, because he claimed that he had proof that computers can't think in