Morgan’s Blog

  • Productivity is NOT about getting more done!

    Does anyone remember record players? I suppose that statement dates me.  But the one big flaw of record players is that when a scratch was present, they could get caught in a “loop” – endlessly playing the same litte bit over and over.  It was annoying as hell to be listening to your favorite song […]

  • Life is meaningless! You are nothing but space debris!!!

    Over breakfast and interesting conversation evolved about the state of physics and what it tells us about the meaninglessness and purposelessness of our lives, both individually and collectively. I’ve been thinking about physics lately, well, because I’m a mad scientist, but also because my brother visited.  He’s an actual, bona fide, physicist.  Plus, a friend […]

  • Eight Years of Scorn and Mockery: Persistence and Genius

    These two guys that you may have heard of suffered scorn and ridicule for over eight years. They persisted, and they changed the world!   If you want more help letting your genius flow in your life, work, and business, visit to grab the new über-productivity video series!

  • A Simple New Year's Resolution: Fun

    There’s a funny thing about our brains (or, more aptly, our minds). It’s that we often get confused about the origin, the journey, and the destination. Just for example, let’s say that once, long ago, you decided you wanted to become a scientist. You thought it would be fun to explore the workings of the […]

  • Which one are you voting for?

    Which one are you voting for this electoral season? If you listen to the ads and the speeches, one guy is going to ruin us all by taking away our rights and freedoms, especially concerning commerce. The other guy is going to ruin us all by taking away our rights and freedoms, especially concerning our […]

  • cynicism and astronauts: death and rebirth of the dreamers

    My friend Rob recently wrote on Facebook: I was seven when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. We were camping with family friends on a plot of land on the shore of Lake George, site of our future summer camp. Dad had car batteries, an inverter, and a small black and white TV. Reception was […]