The Mint-Bacon Cake

This is an excerpt from my upcoming, nearly completed book Creating or Dying.

You may wonder, “Am I really in charge of my beliefs?”

Most people never even ask that question. They don’t even realize that they have a set of beliefs that are affecting their entire experience of reality, and that those beliefs can change.

Instead, they let the news, their preachers, their parents, and their friends form their beliefs into some random mix.

It’s like baking a cake blindfolded. You feel your way to the cupboard, randomly picking out oil, flour, oregano, salt, bacon, sugar, and mint flavoring. You end up with some horrible concoction that nobody wants to eat. And then you say, “Well, that’s what we got, I guess we just have to live with it.”

In the world of baking, nobody would put up with that. They’d throw the mint-bacon cake in the trash and start over.

Yet in the world of our mental belief systems, which are just as important to our existence as those ingredients are to the existence of that cake, we rarely question them. We don’t go through the mix, throwing out the ones that aren’t working, and creating new ones that work better.

So, we end up with a random selection of beliefs. They may conflict with each other, and cause conflict with other people in our lives. They may cause monetary or even spiritual poverty. They cause kids to be brought up with all the wrong priorities. They even cause wars and other large-scale disasters.

Ultimately, the random selection of beliefs that most of us end up with, then never really question, lead to random results from our lives. Ask: what beliefs benefit me, and which ones harm me?

By asking that question, you can take charge of creating a set of beliefs that’s more beneficial.