Morgan’s Blog

  • Victimhood vs Vulnerability

    Being authentic in vulnerability vs. the hidden agenda of victimhood.  

  • The Sniffles or a Lesson?

    Getting sick can teach us something? Heck yeah!  

  • "Panic Culture" and Ebola

    Airborne I had the “pleasure” – if you can call it that – of traveling through one of America’s busiest airports today. On my way through, there were headlines and TV’s blaring: “EBOLA!!!”  Scare. Fear. Worry. Doubt. “It could strike you at any time, so be AWARE, be CAREFUL, be SAFE.” Now, look. I have […]

  • Accepting What You Deserve: YOU Deserve it ALL!!

    Dear One, Deservingness. You’ve been told a lie and you’ve told a lie. The lie that you don’t deserve it. It doesn’t matter what “it” is. But you find yourself always making excuses for why you have to do X, Y, and Z BEFORE you can deserve it. A better life. Improved health. More happiness. […]

  • Morgan's über-fantasy world (how about rewriting YOUR story?)

    This is a blog post about my fantasy world.  Before you click away into the nether lands of cyberspace, let me tell you why this might be important to you. We all live in a fantasy world. From the most brilliant scientists to the most fundamentalist religionists, our fantasies define who we are. In this second […]

  • Fear in the Gym, Fear in Life

    Today in Lake Tahoe, I felt like a lazy ass because my relatives were up at 5:30 am, clanking around in their bike shoes in the early morning, getting ready to head out to ride 70 miles around the lake, while I lay in the comfy bed…. Finally, the feeling that I needed to do something […]