Morgan’s Blog

  • The mess we are in: and what do I have to do with it?

    Question: I’ve heard the term “you create your own reality.” Given all that’s going on in the world, it’s hard to fathom how I could possibly be creating this, I certainly don’t want it. How can this possibly be true? Think about what you really want. For most who are upset about what’s going on, […]

  • Beachtime

  • Why scientific objectivity might be making you miserable…

    For those of us trained in the technical/scientific fields, it’s been pounded into us to be “objective” all the time… and that our own subjective experience doesn’t really matter all that much. However, for many of us, this creates misery and problems. In this video, I explore why it is vital to re-engage our own […]

  • Life As a Mirror

    Do you feel like your experiences keep repeating themselves? The same problems … over and over … cycling back around to the same stuff?! A tourist attraction shows us how life can sometimes be like a frustrating hall of mirrors… but it doesn’t have to be.

  • Blame it on …. the randomness!

    The laws of physics as we know them? How did they arise from the primordial soup of the Big Bang? Blame it on randomness…

  • Barenaked Ladies: An exercise in understanding why we are all subjective

    To some, spending this much money and time may seem irrational. If you’re not a fan of this particular band – or of going to concerts in general – your first thought may have been “Morgan is crazy, I would never do that!” Let’s discuss why reason fails you…