Morgan’s Blog

  • Got something to create? Watch out for toxic green slime.

    This post isn’t for everyone. It’s not for people who want to live a life of consumption or complacency and be content with that. No, it’s not for those. If you want to do that, I don’t have any words of assistance for you. I do, however, have words for you if you know, deep in […]

  • The feedback on Create or Die is in, and it's badass

    I sent out preliminary copies of the book Create or Die to some people, and the feedback I’ve had has been badass. Here’s some of it: “Morgan! That was soooo good! And yes I read it ALL.I am a voracious reader. There are times I read 3 books a week.This is one of the best […]

  • Declaration of Boundary

    DECLARATION of BOUNDARY. No more “FREE” ride.In the past two years:I helped one person get her email list going and get at least 20k worth of new clients, along with building massive momentum forward in her business… for FREE. I helped another person clarify his business and immediately double his revenues… along with sorting out […]

  • Why Private School?

    Sometimes people seem to wonder: if Morgan’s business is going so well, why doesn’t she drive a fancy car or wear fancy clothes?One big reason: 3 kids in private school Next question: why private school?While I’d love to believe in the idea of public education, it’s current incarnation is anti-creativity and anti-independent thinking.By necessity – large […]

  • Parents Freak Out

    Many parents freak out about taking kids for “dangerous” activities like whitewater, mountain biking, and climbing.So instead, they keep their kids inside, safely ensconced with butt planted on chair in front of the tv or computer or books. Meanwhile, the kids learn to be afraid. Afraid of adventure and the outdoors. “It’s scary out there!” It […]

  • The Real Problem With The Economy

    Over on Fearless Creators, there’s a new blog post: the Real Problem With The Economy. Here’s the link: